Charles J. Rufino Violin Maker

You may read about my instruments here, or visit my new page at

Rufino violins, violas and violoncellos are contemporary masterpieces of tonal and visual art that combine classic Italian design, the finest materials, and superb craftsmanship.
Tonal integrity and artistic value that will last lifetimes are assured by the maker's exclusive use of traditional methods and painstaking attention to detail.
The sublime sound of these instruments is colorful, rich, and lively and is supported by a focused resonant strength of tone.
Rufino instruments are distinguished by a sensitivity and responsiveness that will let you meet every musical challenge with delight.
Charles Rufino, a member of the American Federation of Violin and Bow Makers, and the Entente Internationale des Maitre Luthiers et Archetiers d' Art, studied violin making and restoration with some of the world's finest masters.


A 1977 graduate of the Newark School of Violin Making in England, he first worked with V.Y. Nigogosian of New York, and later Carl F. Becker of Chicago, before opening his own studio  in 1985.
You are invited to call and arrange to play one today.


1841 Broadway(at 60th Street)
Studio 1118, New York
New York, 10023-7603
Telephone 212-581-6226



"...My instruments will give you the tonal security and freedom you need to concentrate on your performance...the confidence to express your every idea, emotion, and sensory impression. I bring my years of experience to the creation of an instrument in which you can put your trust, and which I hope will become your best friend and confidant..."